Our focus is on our youths. They are the leaders of tomorrow, and we want to ensure they have the resources to be their best self. We will continue to provide targeted workshops and seminars to encourage, provide information and educate them and their families.

We want our youth to understand and be proud of who they are. This will encourage inclusiveness, compassion and excellence amongst our youths.

■ Feel valued, important, seen and heard

■ Inspire our youth

■ Not feeling helpless

■ Encourage them to give it all it takes

■ Understand their heritage

■ Fight against ignorance

Our Criteria

Students who are of African or Caribbean & Black descents

Of African Descent/ Identifies as Black

Be a resident of Halton Region

Attend High School in Halton Region

Have valid acceptance to an accredited post secondary institution

Be involved in community work and gone above and beyond

Be involved in BHM Initiative and or celebration

Recipients are expected to Mentor other students and Volunteer
and be Ambassadors of the community

Students who have achieved the required Academic/Applied credits for
entrance to a Post Secondary Institution

Students who have achieved the required Academic/Applied credits for
entrance to a Post Secondary Institution


■ The number and the value of each award shall be determined on an annual basis by the Scholarship Committee.

■ Scholarships shall be awarded to students entering the first year of an accredited Post Secondary Institution.

■ Presentation of the award(s) in will be subject to provision of evidence of attendance at the Accredited Post Secondary Institution of choice.

African Caribbean and Black Excellence Scholarship Award.


Application for African Caribbean and Black Excellence Scholarship Award

  1. All fields marked with asterisks* must be completed.
  2. Each attached file must not be larger than 10MB in size.

Note!!!  Application opens January 30, 2025 and closes on April 11, 2025.


Our Ask!

■ Support the Initiative, financially or otherwise 

■ Promote it in the High Schools

■ Help with sponsors in the community through publicity

■ Be present when our children are celebrated

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